A few days ago, I linked to the story of a fascist Republican state senator in Alabama, who wants to ban books and plays with gay characters.
(N.B.: I am not using the word "fascist" above as some sort of knee-jerk characterization of Republicans. Rather, I am using it to describe this one state senator, who seems to be acting in accordance with the dictionary definition of "a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control." It was a considered choice.)
Well, what did this small-minded, mean-spirited, short-sighted gesture get Gerald Allen? Public condemnation from officials in high places? A reminder that America is the home of the free and doesn't work that way? A tutorial on the First Amendment from the courts?
No, it got him a celebratory phone call from the White House, and a meeting with President Bush.
Although I'm not surprised in the least, I am appalled.
How many state lawmakers get facetime with the President? Not many, I'd wager.
Unless, of course, you're a censoring, bowdlerizing, brassbound bigot who cheerfully pisses on the Constitution. Then, it's apparently just fine.
Go read that Gruniad article. The whole thing is worth your attention. One excerpt:
Cutting off funds to theatre departments that put on A Chorus Line or Cat on a Hot Tin Roof may look like censorship, and smell like censorship, but "it's not censorship", Allen hastens to explain. "For instance, there's a reason for stop lights. You're driving a vehicle, you see that stop light, and I hope you stop." Who can argue with something as reasonable as stop lights? Of course, if you're gay, this particular traffic light never changes to green.
(Thanks to Tizzie at the monkeyhouse for the link.)
disgusting? yes. surprising? no. we don't live in a democracy. someone will always be pushing their agenda, whether or not you agree with it. the United States is just too big to govern effectively... democracy doesn't work at this scale. so don't be surprised when the guy at the top starts bending things around to his way.
Posted by: some guy | December 11, 2004 at 07:02 PM